- On going since 2006 Parish Council / Kent Highways were made aware of this problem.
- Not one of the suggestions made has been implemented to try and ease the problem until a crossing patrol person is found!

Please help leave your comments / suggestions below.
See my comments in TE village life post for suggestions to date.
This problem should have been thought about during planning stage!
Get some parking restrictions in place quickly - no need for monitoring (Red tape!!)- the problem exists for public crossing this section of London Road.
It's like watching paint dry waiting for double yellow lines - now over 11 months ago this was first raised - please can we have some feedback Parish Council?
Thank you for your comment H P, I feel this deserves a mention in this section & the School section.
Car & Parking in School letter.
The village still waiting for TE Parish Council to sort out the flood bar to stop grounding damage to cars using the G & D car park!
Also Mr Chattaway pointed out - No safe place to cross London Rd because of parked cars outside G & D!
Both issues are awaiting TE Parish Council.
I`m assuming that no one has actually asked the local residents not to do it out of courtesy to others?
Hi Anonymous,
You may wish to contact TE Parish Council who are according to the parish minutes are monitoring the situation
I e-mailed the TE Parish Council last Friday asking them to keep the public up to date with progress and to assist in feedback/comments in the new Blog.
I will post a comment/response hopefully shortly after the Parish Council meeting on Monday 25 June.
The TE Parish Council are refusing to contribute any feedback to the new TE Blog All villages will have to wait 1 or 2 months for future information . So I have copied a statement from the TEPC June minutes assuming it relates to the "Flood Bar" not clear!
85 Car parks and Parking Report
i) Ramp – Cllr Marsden reported on a type of ramp that he has been researching. It was agreed that should it be possible to install this before the next meeting at a cost of no more than £200, he should proceed with it.
I can see no reference to London Road School/public crossing improvements/parking restrictions in the June Parish minutes.
The villages are all left in the dark again! nearly a year on!
Ref: 85 Car parks and Parking Report
i) Ramp.
We all hope the enough funds have been allocated to this project?
Reminder - public funds wasted by Temple Ewell Parish Council (WHO WILL NOT COME CLEAN ABOUT THIS FACT) obtained Solicitors services attacking residents of the village without thinking it through or looking at the evidence - correct Parish Council?
Time will tell!
On dry days I have noted a considerable improvement to parking. If you see anyone parking that obstructs a clear path/veiw across London road - have a chat with them.
Public awareness to this must be helping and appears to be having the desired effect.
Many thanks - keep it up
I expect most of the members of the parish council are not affected, so not really interested in helping the crossing problem.
This appears to be the scenario from what as been said to date.
Remember the village bridge Parish Council?
Still waiting for London Road monitoring feedback - nothing documented for months within the Parish minutes.
No meeting due this month.
Children back to School in September!
Copy of email sent to Parish Council
Dear Mrs Olpin,
I am concerned that the new School term as started and there is still no safe means for children, parents and the general public to cross London Road safely.
It is now well over a year since I originally asked that my recommendations be passed onto the TEPC to make the road crossing safer for everybody.
Not one of the recommendations I have made have been implemented to date. Similarly it would appear that no other solutions have been forthcoming.
Can we have some feedback soon please?
I look forward to hearing from you soon,
Regards, Stephen Chattaway
Monday 24th September 2007
137 Highways & Pavements
i) Road Safety issues had been raised by a parishioner on three particular areas: the crossing of London Road; the High Street to Mill Street and Mill Street to Church Path.
There was a full debate covering the lack of a lollipop person; that the walking bus only went on a Friday from the school to the Baptist Church; that parents should be encouraged to use the George & Dragon car park and that there were steps into the pedestrian area and that most of the traffic was locally generated.
It was agreed that to resolve the issues a joint approach would be needed and the Primary School Head Teacher should be asked to meet with representatives of the Parish Council (Cllrs Lomas, Mousley, Olpin & Pilcher) & District Councillor Frayne. The parishioner who had raised the matter was to be kept updated.
Resort to 20 MPH zone on London Road?
Dear Mrs Olpin,
On reading the October 2007 TEPC minutes I was dismayed that my suggestions for London Road crossing have not been listed! Yourself, the Parish Council members & District Cllr Roger Frayne have seen sight of the following suggestions for at least 15 months now.
· A short stretch of yellow lines adjacent to the George & Dragon rear car park entrance/ exit – this gives better line of sight for public crossing – easily implemented for now until a proper Pelican or controlled crossing is sort (I expect this will take years anyway!)
· "Pavement walk extended into the road" outside the G & D (Like the ones outside Iceland food shop). This idea would probably be better for residents of G & D Place i.e. No flashing lights or sound of the crossing indicator.
· Crossing patrol hazard lights being switched on during School crossing times with the aid a timer. – Again easily implemented for now!
Why can’t the above suggestions be sent to KCC highways too?
In my opinion they should have been sent over a year ago to ease the issue!
Thankfully at least one other resident of Temple Ewell - Kathryn Prescott has taken the time to write to the Parish Council to express her concerns too.
Regards, Stephen Chattaway.
Dear Mrs Olpin,
My wife suggested that the Gretal Stevens the local Police Community Support Officer might be able to help with the Temple Ewell crossing duties?
We are aware she works shifts but any help would be better than none until issues are better addressed at London Road. This would be an ideal duty to have first hand experience and also interact with parents taking children to & from School.
Just a thought!
Regards, S Chattaway
TEPC Clerk to submit for Jan. meeting & line manager of PSCO
Dear Mrs Olpin,
It would be advantageous to the public if you had included the PCSO suggestion in the PC Minutes, thus saving time and effort.
I received a more positive response from the clerk yesterday, indicating she would ‘forward your wife’s suggestion to the Parish Council’s next meeting and also to the PCSO’s line manager’
Regards, Stephen Chattaway.
From: Jenny Olpin [mailto:jenny.olpin@virgin.net]
Sent: 03 December 2007 18:44
To: 'Steve'
Cc: Christine Haggart
Subject: RE: London Road crossing - PCSO sugestion.
Dear Mr Chattaway
We have been in discussion with the School, DDC and Police over several issues of road safety in Temple Ewell. This is an ongoing project with another meeting next week. There are several propositions we have put to DDC/Highways and Education including the one you mentioned.
We have been very disappointed in the lack of provision for School Crossing personnel especially as the funding has been, and still is, available from KCC. One of the outcomes is for PCSO Stevens to patrol the school gates so as to prevent some of the extremely difficult ‘angst’ that has arisen from people ‘dropping off’ or trying to access that restricted area.
If you know of anyone willing to be ‘School Crossing’ person then please do let Mrs Hann know.
Kind regards
I sent the following email in November to KKC Highways, it being lost on one occasion and now bouncing around various departments!
Dear Mrs Olpin,
On reading the October 2007 TEPC minutes I was dismayed that my suggestions for London Road crossing have not been listed! Yourself, the Parish Council members & District Cllr Roger Frayne have seen sight of the following suggestions for at least 15 months now.
· A short stretch of yellow lines adjacent to the George & Dragon rear car park entrance/ exit – this gives better line of sight for public crossing – easily implemented for now until a proper Pelican or controlled crossing is sort (I expect this will take years anyway!)
· "Pavement walk extended into the road" outside the G & D (Like the ones outside Iceland food shop). This idea would probably be better for residents of G & D Place i.e. No flashing lights or sound of the crossing indicator.
· crossing patrol hazard lights being switched on during School crossing times with the aid a timer. – Again easily implemented for now!
Why can’t the above suggestions be sent to KCC highways too?
In my opinion they should have been sent over a year ago to ease the issue!
Thankfully at least one other resident of Temple Ewell - Kathryn Prescott has taken the time to write to the Parish Council to express her concerns too.
Regards, Stephen Chattaway.
Dear Mrs Olpin,
With reference to the minutes: Temple Ewell Parish Council Minutes Monday 28th January 2008.
Good news the School warning lights will finally be functional, I suggested this back in 2006 but better late than never!
Ref:: The Parish Council had also received a number of suggestions from another parishioner who had approached Kent Highways directly. The additional suggestions were:
• A short stretch of yellow lines adjacent to the George & Dragon rear car park entrance/ exit – this gives better line of sight for public crossing. The Parish Council supported this suggestion and it would be passed to DDC.
• "Pavement walk extended into the road" outside the George & Dragon, like the ones outside Iceland food shop in Dover. The Parish Council agreed to add it to the list but did consider that there would be implications for the existing bus stop and that London Road is an emergency by-pass for the A2.
Both yellow lines & Pavement walk were also suggested back in 2006 to help ease the London Road crossing until a better method was implemented. The biggest problem is parked cars out side the George & Dragon Place hindering the public crossing safely. (See my previous email correspondence)
The implications of the bus stop do not apply because the suggestion was on the road outside / In front of the George & Dragon Place.
Cars are already parked on London Road outside the George & Dragon Place so would not greatly affect an emergency by-pass for the A2 in respect of road width.
Hope this clarifies my suggestions.
Stephen Chattaway.
Dear Mrs Olpin,
Reference: Temple Ewell Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 25th February 2008.
“The crossing lights were being operated manually”
Having monitored many times during morning time periods, it appears that School crossing lights are not being manually switched on as stated.
Can you please address this concern as soon as possible?
Thank you.
Regards, Stephen Chattaway.
Hi David,
I expect the shop keeps forgetting to operate them because it’s always a busy time of day for them.
Many thanks for your quick reply & time. I will copy this email to TEPC, Councillors & School for you.
Regards, Stephen Chattaway.
From: EKHighways@kent.gov.uk [mailto:EKHighways@kent.gov.uk]
Sent: 02 April 2008 12:13
To: steve.chattaway@ntlworld.com
Subject: FW: Crossing lights
Dear Mr Chattaway
I have spoken to our Street Lighting team, they have informed me that the Crossing Lights are operated manually by a key system.
Our street lighting team also believe, that the village shop was going to operate them.
Therefore can ask if you could contact the village shop and the village school to ascertain if this is the case?
David Gasking
Liaison Officer
East Kent Divisional Office
tel: 08458 247 800
fax: 01227 464765
Sent: 01 April 2008 12:22
To: Gasking, David - E&R
Subject: RE: Crossing lights
As far as I am aware, the question of these school lights, cropped up some time ago, long before Trevor left and he in fact, carried out a site inspection to ascertain the location of them, following a telephone call I had with a member of the public.
The lights in question are manually operated, by a key or something off a similar nature. I was advised and believe, that the village shop was going to operate them. I can only suggest that any reference to these lights should be addressed to the Parish Council or the School.
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